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时尚 瘦身产品 减肥按摩通经活络欧比电疗瘦身产品

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最后更新: 2018-10-30 22:40
64.00元/ 个
3000 个
999999 个

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    产品原理Poduct pinciple


    Thepoduct is used in cuent communication effect. The fist outstanding chaacteistic is its fast speed. The second specialty is a high enegy, epeated and apid effect also emakable effect.It is a method to impove the body function fundamentally and no any ham to body tissue. simple use, you can pefom home health cae safely and conveniently.

    功能简介Function intoduction

    1. 有通经活络促瘦身以电补气、以气补血、气血两旺、活络养生。电疗减肥仪是利用电流在人体内的流动来激发经气,疏通经络。经络通过的电流大,对经络的疏通作用也大。人体经络畅通,则血脉和利,血脉和利则苛疾不起,精神乃居,达到减肥瘦身及祛病健身的目的。2 . 激活神经肌肉组织电疗减肥瘦仪把古老的中医文化同现代生物学创造性的结合在一起,以经络学为机理,用电能刺激经络,使人体气血通畅,激活细胞使肌体免疫功能增强,达到达到减肥瘦身及防病、治病的目的。

    1. the active pomoting slimmingElectic ai to blood, flouishing body gas and blood, activate health. Electotheapy instument is the use of an electic cuent in the body of the flow to stimulate and dedge meidians and collateals. Highe cuent, bette function. With the unblocked meidians, people can have healthy blood cicle, which can leave the disease fom body and so achieve weight loss and fitness pupose.

    2. neual activation in muscle tissue.This Electotheapy instument integates ancient Chinese cultue with moden biology ceativity togethe with main and collateal channels, leaning mechanism, electicity stimulation of main and collateal channels, so that the body blood become smooth, cells can be activated to make the body immune function enhancement, to achieve slimming and pevention fom cue the disease.

    按键描述及操作说明Button desciption and opeating instuctions

    1 . 工作电压3.0V 供电,液晶电压3.0v; Lcd 全显图形2 . 按键:4 个 ( A.speed- B. speed+ C. mode D. on/off )》 Speed+ 上调键:在当前模式下,可以提高输出强度和速度,共10 个等级,最高为等级10,有相应的等级图标指示;》 Speed- 下调键:在当前模式下,可以减弱输出强度和速度,共10 个等级,最低为等级1,有相应的等级图标指示;》Mode 模式键:系统上电默认为肚子按摩方式,可以进行肚子按摩--腿部按摩--手臂按摩--腰部按摩--肚子按摩四种按摩方式, 每次转换模式都在等级输出都在第一级强度;》On/off 开关键:开关机按键;》每次按键,都重新开始计时 15 分钟,工作15 分钟后自动关机;》无负载自动关机功能。

    1. 3.0V woking voltage powe supply, the liquid cystal voltage 3.0V; Lcd full display gaphics2. 4 button Keys ( A.speed- B . Speed+ C . Mode D . On / Off )》Speed + up key: in the cuent mode, can impove the output intensity and speed, a total of 10 gades, the highest gade is 10, thee is a coesponding ank icon;》Speed - down key: in the cuent mode, can educe the output intensity and speed, a total of 10 gades, the lowest gadeis 1, thee is a coesponding ank icon;》 Mode key: system defaults to belly massage mode, which can do stomach massage - leg massage - am massage - waist massage , total fou kinds of massage methods. Each convesion mode in output is at a fist level of stength gade;》On / off switch: switch machine key;》Evey keystoke stats fo 15 minutes and then shut down automatically.》No load automatic shutdown function.

    安全注意事项Safety pecautions

    1. 有出血情况时(急性肿瘤)请勿使用。2. 刚开完刀后请勿使用,因为肌肉收缩可能会影响伤口复原情形。3. 女性经期暂停使用。4. 请勿用在灵感神经受损的肌肤部位。5. 怀孕期间请勿使用。6. 心脏疾病患者请勿使用。7. 癌症病患者请勿使用。8. 头部、喉咙前方、眼睛、舌头部位请勿使用。9. 男女敏感部位请勿使用。10. 有皮肤病的患者请勿使用。11. 产品使用完后要收藏好,放置儿童拿不到的地方等等。

    1. Do not use when blooding (acute tumo).2. Do not use just afte the sugey opeation, because the muscle contactions may influence wound healing.3. Suspended duing female menstual.4. Do not use on the skin with impaied neuological inspiation.5. Do not use duing pegnancy.6. Heat disease patients ae not supposed to use.7. Cance patients ae not supposed to use.8. Do not use on head, eyes, tongue, thoat font pats.9. Do not use on sensitive pats.10. Skin disease patients ae not supposed to use.11. Keep the poduct well afte use, place it out of the each of childen.


    Take out the battey when Long tem no use of this poduct. This can avoid battey leakage to damage poduct components.



    1. Open the cove of battey, put the battey in the battey box off 2No.7, note the negative diection, close the battey cove.2. The host is connected to the electode pads.3. The electode plate affixed to the need of thin pats.



