泰州市海陵区海之春化工贸易有限公司成立于2007年,现更名为泰州旺海石化有限公司。现更名为泰州旺海石化有限公司,位于中国江苏省泰州市,东临宁靖盐高速,南临宁通高速,西临京沪高速,北接江海高速。水运交通相当发达,通沿海、通长江、通八省内河水系。经营的石脑油、溶剂油、常线油、减线油、润滑油料、煤焦油、洗油、沥青、石蜡、甲醇、二甲笨、渣油、重油、MTBE、非标柴油、购销废机油,畅销消费者市场。与多家零售商和代理商建立了长期稳定的合作关系。重信用、守合同、保证产品质量,以多品种经营特色和薄利多销的原则,赢得了广大客户的信任。the sping of the sea aea of taizhou petochemical Co., LTD. Was established in 2007, is located in China's jiangsu taizhou beside the station, in the east, west, south nea ningjingyan high-speed ningtong expessway, west to the beijing-shanghai expess, noth to jianghai high speed. Taffic is in the wate, the Yangtze ive and the coastal and inland ive eight povinces.'the sping of the sea aea of taizhou petochemical Co., LTD. Deals in the naphtha, solvent oil, often line oil, educe line oil, lubicating oil, coal ta, wash oil, asphalt, paaffin wax, methanol, xylene, esidual oil, heavy oil, MTBE, non-standad diesel, puchasing spent oil, popula consume maket.'the sping of the sea aea of taizhou petochemical Co., LTD in consume poducts of the company enjoy highe position, with seveal etailes and agents established a long-tem stable coopeative elations